
글로벌 링크

Open and Opinion-collecting council Active council members and desirable

Open and Opinion-collecting council Active council members and desirable

Yecheon-gun Council

Bill disposal procedures

As for making a proposal for a bill to be voted on at the council, a county magistrate or more than one fifth of the members on the enrollment or more than 10 members prepared with a joint signature can do so there should be requirements on the bill such as foundational laws and regulations, proposer and assenter's signature, reason for proposal and its main point, contrast of ordinances with laws before they submit it to a chairman.
The committee presents it for discussion at a general meeting after overall deliberation and resolution through a proposer's explanations on the purpose, expert member's report on examination, and inquiry and discussion process. The matter presented to the general meeting is to be voted on after hearing the committee head's report on their examination and through with inquiries and discussion.

  • General Meeting
    • Make a proposal

      The head of local autonomous organ, one fifth of the enrolled members or more than 10 members

    • Reporting

      Report submitted bill
      [available to be omitted during the closed or suspended session]

    • Forwarding

      To be forwarded by deciding the period for examination

  • Special Committee
    • Explanations, Inquiry, Discussion, Making a resolution

      Proposer’s explanations of the main point and expert members’s report on looking-over, Then make inquiries, Making answers, Voting on a bill after overall examination through discussion, Report on examination of a bill at a general meeting

  • General Meeting
    • Committee head’s Reporting

      Report on the examination process and it’s results

    • Discussion

      inquiries, Answers, Speech of assent and Dissension
      [Available to be omitted]

    • Decision

      Votiong on a bill with assents of more than a half of the members present and with the presence of more than a half of the enrolled members

    • Transfer

      A bill for ordinances within 5 days from the voted day, and bill for a budget within 3 days from the voted day are to be transferred to the proper executive organ.

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